Online marketing on budget!

Our success lived and died by Yellow Pages Ad we invested in every year.

In the 90s we paid close to $1,000 per month for that ad. But it also provided a fabulous return on its investment.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the 21st century version of the Yellow Page Ad.

The Yellow Pages are never coming back.

However, for less than what I paid 27 years ago for a Yellow Page ad, you can excel in the search engines. Rather than flip through pages of competitors to determine who to call, your buyer now types a keyword phrase or question into the browser search query box.

They can learn everything they need to about your solution and your company.

If your site is setup properly (it follows Google’s Webmaster Guidelines), a quality White-Hat SEO expert can help you get those keyword phrases ranking high and potentially on page-one of the search engine page results (SERPs).

If your website needs some work to get it up to par, it is important to get that done quickly.

You might have guessed it, but the most important thing you can do to increase your website traffic with ideal targeted buyers, is have:

A website that is developed following the most current standards
On-page SEO
Off-site SEO (White Hat)
If you want to better understand SEO, take a peek at my earlier article “What is SEO?”

and scan the blog, as there are lots of explanation articles.

After your website is up to snuff and your SEO going, you’ll start adding the services that increase targeted traffic to your site. Of course, everything depends on your budget. I’m going to get to pricing, but I first want to build this plan for you so you understand it.
Content is the engine that drives everything.

When your ideal buyer types in his keyword phrase to search for some aspect of your solution, Google is going to return what it believes is the content that has the highest likelihood of answering your buyer’s questions.

Google uses artificial intelligence that keeps getting smarter and smarter – it’s called Rank Brain. Here are a few articles that explain Rank Brain.

By performing research and understanding your ideal buyer, a Buyer Persona is created.
The most basic content requirements are blog posts. Statistics show us that publishing 6 – 8 posts a month is a good starting point. Frankly, most companies don’t have the bandwidth for this and settle for a starting goal of one blog post per week.

Copywriting fees vary. But when you bundle this service with other online marketing services, you can typically get it copywritten for less.

Your posts are your foundational content. Nearly all other content cascades from your post content.
Social Media

Social media isn’t just for personal use. Because absolutely everyone is on social media, it is important to understand what social media platforms your ideal buyer is on. By following a best practice approach to posting on those platforms, you begin to get your name in front of your customers.

Your customers spend time on social media in the evening and early in the mornings. They are not in “work mode,” so their guard isn’t up. Your posts are not pushy or solicitous. They may provide everything from inspiring memes and quotes to information they have been needing about your solution. The posts link back to your site and you begin to get on your buyer’s radar.

Once your buyer sees you a few times and begins to develop a level of trust, they will visit your website. As they begin to follow you, they will remember you when they have a question or a need. Because you have developed a relationship with them, a level of trust and loyalty is building. This is a slow process, but a very foundational and important.

Read more on PPG Web Solutions

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